Welcome to Brenda Novak’s 2024 Reading Challenge!

Record Your Monthly Read
The monthly challenge reads are the same books we are reading together in Brenda’s online book group.
Monthly Giveaway–$100 Gift Card to The Brenda Novak Store
If you read along with us each month and record that you’ve read our read that month by the 15th of the following month, you’ll be entered in to win a $100 Gift Card to The Brenda Novak Store. Winner will be posted in the book group.
The deadline to submit for each month is the 15th of the following month. (For example: January’s information needs to be entered by February 15th.)
In addition to that, if you complete all twelve books, you’ll get a FREE enamel pin, and you’ll be entered into the GRAND PRIZE drawing at the end of the year, a dedication in one of my upcoming books.