News & Newsworthy
September’s Brenda Novak Book Box
This box will contain an autographed copy of Brenda’s upcoming release—TYING THE KNOT (part of the Whiskey Creek series)—and a new sterling silver “LOVE” tag charm for the Brenda Novak Charm Bracelet with more contents to be revealed!
Read an Excerpt from THE BANNED BOOKS CLUB
THE BANNED BOOKS CLUB will be available from September 17, but you can already read the first two chapters on Brenda’s website. Enjoy!
The Banned Books Club Book Tour
Meet Brenda at one of the tour stops to get a signed and personalized copy of her upcoming release, THE BANNED BOOKS CLUB, and be part of her Banned Books Club! There will be an in-conversation, Q&A, pictures, giveaways and more!
You can get the book as part of the Book Tour Package, which also includes our darling “I read banned books” mug, a mini puzzle with an illustration of ten “classic” banned books and a club membership card or you can get the book separately.
Read an Excerpt from TYING THE KNOT
TYING THE KNOT will be available from August 20, but you can already read the first three chapters on Brenda’s website. Enjoy!
August’s Brenda Novak Book Box
This box will include an autographed copy of our book group read—LOVE SHACK by Lori Foster—a darling 16 oz glass (with a bamboo lid and glass straw) that reads “Life is just a series of obstacles preventing you from reading your book,” Peak Collins Cocktail Silicone Ice Tray, darling seashell magnets, and a surprise item!
Read an Excerpt from the TOURIST SEASON
TOURIST SEASON will be available from April 2, but you can already read the first chapter on Brenda’s website. Enjoy!
Cover Reveal: Tying the Knot
Available August 20, 2024
They’re taking a chance on love…by marrying the wrong person
All of Grady Amos’s brothers are married, and he’s feeling left behind. Aja Kermani wants to break away from the man chosen by her parents and marry for love. This leads them both to Tying the Knot, a reality TV show where contestants meet their soulmate. Grady and Aja end up married—yet they have absolutely nothing in common! But there is something—beyond a powerful attraction—that draws them to each other, despite their completely different lives and backgrounds. Is a postshow annulment in their future? Or are two opposites truly meant for each other?
THE MESSY LIFE OF JANE TANNER is arriving on shelves February 20, but you can already read the first chapter on Brenda’s website. Enjoy!
Read an Excerpt from THE TALK OF COYOTE CANYON
THE TALK OF COYOTE CANYON is arriving on shelves November 28, but you can already read the first chapter on Brenda’s website. Enjoy!