I have a great year of reading planned and would like to invite you to take the 2023 Brenda Novak Reading Challenge. This challenge coincides with the books we’ll be reading in my online book group on Facebook and requires just one book per month. If you’re interested in joining the group as well as taking the challenge, I’d love to have you do so. You’ll never meet a friendlier or more supportive group of readers! And we always meet with the author of the book we are reading to discuss the story at the end of the month. Plus, if you read the designated book each month, you’ll be entered to win $100 to The Brenda Novak Store! In addition to that, if you complete all twelve books, you’ll get a FREE enamel pin, and you’ll be entered into the GRAND PRIZE drawing at the end of the year, a dedication in one of my upcoming books.
2023 Brenda Novak Reading Challenge